How to Root Sony Xperia S | One Click Root Learn how to root your Sony Xperia S with One Click Root. Rooting your Sony Xperia S allows you to customize and optimize your smartphone as per your ...
Experimental Firefox OS software for Xperia™ E available for developers [ROM] – Developer World Hi, Anna! It’s been 8 months since this announcement. Are there any news about Firefox OS for Xperia phones? Since Firefox OS is a “web os” – that would be really nice to have some kind of web access on the phone (e.g. WiFi, or mobile internet), which mea
AdminSpeak | A few words from your friendly, professional Windows Systems Engineer A few words from your friendly, professional Windows Systems Engineer (by Oliver Pierce) ... This script can be used to audit and/or set the Remote Desktop configuration on all Windows servers from Windows 2003 thru Windows 2008 R2 and all Windows clients
Latest GSM Mobile Phone Unlocking News & Updates For Your tools July 29 VolcanoBox2.7.6 Beta SPD Android Read Flash & Write Flash Much More Improved Add new arithmetic for "Change MTK's IMEI" in "Android Tools" Adjust "Write Flash" for SPD Android Phone in "Android Tools" Adjust "Read Flash, Write Flash" for SPD ...
Acer Aspire TimelineX 4830TG-2413G75Mnbb ~ samsunggalaxy Those of you who follow this blog know that I am a fan of Acer's Timeline series of laptops. They combine the attributes of being substantially lighter than other laptops in the same class, longer than the average battery life at a decent build quality at